Виза Инноватора или Стартап виза?

2-летняя Стартап виза ИЛИ 3-летняя виза Новатора предназначены для поиска потенциальных Иностранных Предпринимателей, которые планируют открыть Инновационный Бизнес в Великобритании  “Стартап” виза или виза более продвинутого уровня - “Инноватора”, ориентированы…

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UK travel RESTRICTIONS- new strain COVID 19

Warning! Europe shutting its borders to UK travellers to protect against Covid mutation! France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Ireland were among those who on Sunday announced widespread…

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Brexit 2020 – Les Européens devront apprendre à respecter la nouvelle réglementation relative au Visitor Visa au Royaume-Uni

Depuis plus de 30 ans, les ressortissants Européens ne connaissaient pas le système complexe et bureaucratique consistant à remplir des formulaires, à cocher des cases, la communication des informations sur…

Продолжить чтениеBrexit 2020 – Les Européens devront apprendre à respecter la nouvelle réglementation relative au Visitor Visa au Royaume-Uni

Brexit: EU citizens preparing for the new migration system

Following its legal withdrawal from the EU on 31 January, the UK is currently in the so-called transition phase where the country continues to abide by most of the EU…

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The US States Enact New Travel Entrance Restrictions

As the borders begin to reopen and the skies become congested by traveler planes globe-trotting across Green countries, the United States has decided to update its international and domestic travel…

Продолжить чтениеThe US States Enact New Travel Entrance Restrictions